Tuesday, May 04, 2010

what the f*** ?
i think i just got ditched by mikaela for melinda :P
haha, oh well, anyway, i was like wtf ? because mikaela and i always sit together in home ec.

there's this new girl, charlotte, yeah, she's from up north, she lived on a farm and used to raise angus cattle, you know the ones that are put in macdonalds meals, haha, sounds like a good place to live. she seems really nice though, i think i'll invite her over or to sit with us or something(:

i went to a drag party on friday night, it was so so so much fun! the guys looked so funny dressed up as girls(: i spent nearly the whole time laughingg.
then i went to helen's house and her sister took us out to surfers paradise to meet her friend, we were going to go and have fun ;) but then helen's mum came and picked us all up :(

have you ever wanted something so bad that you would do absolutley anything to make it happen/get it ?
i've got that feeling right now, i need to move schools, i HATE it here, hate is an extremely strong word, but right here it fits.

i could go to 'vale, but i'm sure i wont like it that much, because i wouldn't be able to be myself, i'll always be trying to be 'cool' and to be able to fit in.

i could go to coombabah state high school but i think that school just about screams 'i'm a loser, i go to coombabah!' haha, no offence to those cooma kids (;

i could go to saint stephens college, this seems like the best option, private school, i used to go there so i know mummy will approve(:
the only problem is __macca goes there now :( and he'll be like uhh, wtf are you doing here bi*ch ? hmm, doesn't sound so fun, plus everyone knows me from when i was a nerd ):

hmm, i think i'm going to go make a tumblr now, just because i friggen can (;

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

oh yes;

i'm in home economics now(:
it's a pretty cool class, she never checks that thing where you can see what we're doing, so we just go on the internet and do whatever the f*** we want :P

everyone probably thinks i'm a sl*t, because i told 5 guys that i love them :P
ahaha, but it's all good, because they love me too, jks, i'm not that up myself.

i've been talking to this guy online and at school a fair bit, his names james, he's alot older than me though, he's like 4years older i think. and he can't wait until we get together and play truth or dare ;) he wants a striptease and all that sh*t, so does this other guy who is also like 4years older, his name is samuel, but he is super uglyyyyyy! lol. and he thinks we're going to have a root, haha, he wishes ;)
james is like a complete player, haha, and samuel is like a wanna-be player:P

Saturday, April 17, 2010


okay, i lied.
but i'm not going to do that anymore(: sound good ?
all the name's on here were fake, but now i'm going to use my real name,
beacause otherwise that's just gay :P

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

you're really amazing;

hey everyone(:
im having a pretty good day, apart from the fact that it's very hot, but whatever,
mikaela and i are friends now, she's actually sitting next to me in class right now, we are in home ecomonics, typing up a report on some bullsh*t lunch that we put on for the teachers and half of us weren't allowed in because the teacher said we were only allowed in if we wore black clothes, which i didnt have, but whatever :P

i spent my morning tea with jacob :P __macca kept pushing him onto me, ahaha, it was heaps fun ;)
lol, im freakin' obsessed with smiley faces, lol,
i have to sell candles in my next break, thats right CANDLES, uhm, wtf? lol, its pretty weird.

grr, mikaela is now mad at me because she read my old blog from when i was mad at her and it all going downhill. Mikaela, just because i know you'll be reading this later on, i just want you to know, it was a long time ago and we've through too much shit to let this stop us now, oh, btw, have you thought of a way to tell that chic that she needs a shower ? lol, loveyouforever, oceane.

nothing new to report really,

Sunday, March 28, 2010

why don't you just leave;

Don't Kanye me.
Or I'll Chris Brown you,
and Tiger Woods your mother

do you get it ?

i had one of the best sleepovers in my life last night; we had alot of problems and we just laughed everything off, relaxed, prank called, you know, the usual sh*t, ahahah.
we walked for ages trying to get to mcdonalds and on our way and helen, summer and i were getting abused by the people driving by. They'd yell out sh*t like "you sl*ts" "f*** me" "go home" and they'd swerve all over the road trying to scare us / hit us ? :S
We called my sisters' boyfriend to come pick us up coz we were too pussy to walk back, lol, he is actually quite a d*ck :P he doesn't talk; all he said the whole drive was
" you could've said it was near 7 eleven " and " laters " ahaha, he needs to grow some social skills.

el-oh-el; i'm dating jacob;
he's so sweet, i like him alot; and im very defensive of our relationship, which can be good and bad, i guess, my close friends are being supportive, my other 'friends' are not, im a slut apparently ? whatever,
im on the phone to him right now
